Title: The Endless Dance of Erosion
Description: ”Last week my wife died due to cardiac arrest and the following week we started dismantling our house when we heard the Ganges started eroding the land again.” - Nurul Islam, 80 years old -pictured in chair
Location: Malda, West Bengal, India
Congratulations to Marood Sarwer who has been named the 2022 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Recipient. Marood’s photo “The Endless Dance of Erosion” captures both the environmental and human costs of the escalating climate crisis in West Bengal India.
Tthe United Nations published the exhibition globally on UN.org.
The 2022 Photography 4 Humanity Global Prize Recipient, Top 10 Finalists and 21 Honorable Mentions currently have their work exhibited globally by the United Nations on UN.org and in person at the United Nations Headquarters outside the General Assembly in New York City from December 8th - January 3rd.